Sunday, January 31, 2010

Life is the Pits!

It was one of those weeks where Friday couldn't come soon enough. Wednesday morning I went out to head for work and discovered that my car had been broken into. The driver's door window was broken out and shattered glass was all over the interior of the car. Apparently they thought they needed the things in my car more than I did. I've seen enough of the PPB talks on car prowls that I didn't have anything of value in view and very little of value in the car. The value of the items taken was less than $25 - the window was $155 to replace.

Late last summer I ate apricots at a furious pace and managed to collect an ounce of apricot pits to make apricot kernel liqueur. An ounce of apricot kernels is about a 1/3 of a cup. Doesn't sound like much but it represents a lot of damn apricots!

The inspiration for this came from Matthew Rowley's Whiskey Forge Blog

Please Note! Apricot kernels contain cyanide in trace amounts! The minimum lethal dose is about 3-4 ounces of raw apricot pits. In other words you'd have to drink in excess of three 750 bottles of this liqueur to approach this. I think most of us would pass out or throw up before we reached that level and if we didn't we'd probably wish we were dead when we woke up later.

is considered to be an Almond Flavored Liqueur, but in fact it can be made with apricot kernels or almonds or both.

Housemade Apricot Kernel Liqueur

16 oz 100 proof vodka plus a bit more
1 oz shelled apricot kernels - you can buy them by the pound on Amazon or eBay
12 oz agave Syrup
12 oz water


Put the apricot kernels and vodka in an air tight glass jar and stash away in a cool dark place for several months.

Strain the resulting extract through a coffee filter and add additional vodka to bring the total back to 16 ounces.

Add the 16 ounces of filtered extract to the water and agave syrup and mix thoroughly. Pour it into bottles and seal tightly - store it in a cool dark place.


1 oz Blended Scotch
1 oz Housemade Apricot Kernel Liqueur

Mix in an old fashioned class filled with ice cubes

There are more drinks and links Here

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